2019 Summer Reading

Don’t classify me, read me. I’m a writer, not a genre. ~ Carlos Fuentes

Today, I share my reading list for this summer. Based on my last year’s reading experience, I know the list will likely increase, I’ll reread some of the books not listed here or I’ll end up swapping others. So, let’s see how I succeed.

My Reading List (in no particular order)

If you’ll be reading with me, please don’t forget to leave your link below so that I (we) can follow along.

Happy Reading & A Wonderful Summer!

Khaya Ronkainen
Khaya Ronkainen is a writer, poet and creative professional. Her blog focuses on all things poetry and creative nonfiction.


  1. Wishing you enjoyment reading all! The only one I have read on the list is The Firm. Grisham always writes an entertaining page turner.

  2. OOH! I’ve read two of those and enjoyed them immensely. LOL, OK I listened to Becoming (listening to Michelle Obama read it herself was a treat), but read the Poet X. Like a dork, I left my copy of it at home for BookCon, when she’s going to be there to sign things. Oh well, it’s a good excuse to buy a new book of hers. 😀 I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on them and the other books.

  3. I’ve read The Poet X thrice. I’ve been pushing it to all me friends, lol! Can’t wait to see what you think of it.

  4. Lovely to hear you’ve read two already in my list. I’ve been saving Obama’s book to concentrate on, when I have more time to read, that is, this summer. I have tried hard not to read views of the book as I want to experience it myself, first. 😀 I envy you for the opportunity to attend the BookCon. It always sounds like a fantastic event. And yeah, buying another copy of Poet X doesn’t hurt. You can gift the other copy to another poetry lover!

  5. Wow, thrice you read the book! You make want to drop everything and grab the book now but I’ll get there. About pushing it, yes I heard about her from you, and I was greatly intrigued. So, thank you. 🙂

  6. Thanks for the link, Rommy. I’ll pop by INSTA from time to time to read your chronicles. But myself, I won’t be chronicling much (excerpt for few posts). I’m trying to main a quite space to read, among other things. 😀

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