1. How I love rain!
I suffer from a terrible pollen allergy in spring. After some few rainy days, the air feels cleaner and I can breathe with ease. I even managed a visit to the botanical gardens this week, and took delight in all the beauty around.
2. I got mail
I’ll say it again, nothing is as beautiful, tactile and personal like holding a printed book. I’ve read the digital version already, but I couldn’t miss the chance to touch, smell and hear the pages as I turn them. You might have already guessed one of the books I’ll be rereading this summer.

3. Frugal ways and fabulous finds
Thrifting is personally rewarding, among other things. Some of the items I find at thrift stores are books. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know how I often complain about exorbitant shipping costs. So, I continue to find some really good books from second-hand shops and library book sales. Three of them are on my summer reading list.
4. When you know it’s not about you…
The other day, I watched a documentary about Warren Buffer for some inspiration on finance and investment. This quote is one of the take-aways, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”
I resonated with it because of a recent incident. I won’t go into details but I’ll say this, people are vicious on social media. It’s even more sad when it’s someone you know personally. But instead of reacting, I walked away.
5. On paving way to happiness
I’ll leave you with this inspiring song, Just Do You, by Indie Arie. I think it’s self-explanatory.
Hope your week has been filled with all things good. Enjoy your weekend!
Occasionally, I share five random things I’m reading, watching, doing and thinking about. Hope you find them interesting.
Visiting botanical gardens is one of my favorite things to do. It is always soothing for the soul. Thrifting is so much fun. You never know what you will find. Great Warren Buffet quote to ponder. So true. Social media can be horrible. I have chosen to stay off FB this year. It bothers me to see so much negativity and viciousness like you experienced.
I love that song, Just Do You (as you might expect). I’d never heard it so thanks for sharing!
1.) Thankfully most types of pollen around here don’t irritate me all that much, but I do love a good rain.
2.) Squeeeeee! LOL. I’m so glad it *finally* got there!
3.) Your post made me realize that I enjoy thrifting the most when I have a partner in crime. Thankfully my husband loves old bookstores too.
4.) Oh man… yeah I recall some behavior on social media that just left me feeling no small amount of disgust. And I remember times I wished I *had* just walked away. You were smart.
5.) I really like that song!
There is something magical about mail. Especially when the mail brings books. And books from second hand shops are awesome! Like new books with baggage we actually want.
Thanks Val for reading. You are wise for having chosen to stay off from FB for a while. Social media is a weird place. It’s just painful to watch how sensible people turn into monsters on these platforms. Civil discussions and conversations are things of the past, even between friends and family members. People take to posting obnoxious memes instead of saying something straight to your face. What I know for sure, I don’t need to feed on that negativity. It’s time to move aside, there’s more to life than playing “smart” on social media.
Hooray for thrifting! I’ve discovered some great gems that way in the past, especially when it comes to comics. And I know what you mean about buying print versions of digital books–I often find myself doing that, too. Hope you have lots of fun reading this summer!
It’s my pleasure, Kathy! I’m surprised you never heard the song. Well, I think in general Arie’s talent is undervalued. I love her. But I expected you’d love the song because you are wise beyond your years. You’ve learnt how to do you, and your message about this is always clear. 🙂
Thanks dear Rommy for reading. Nothing beats visits to thrift stores with a partner in crime. In fact, it’s the only time mine agrees to a shopping trip; he buys music whilst I wade through bookshelves, and finding treasures 😀
As for social media, I’m eventually going to walk away for good. So, you’ll find me only here, in the near future!
I agree, mail bringing a book is super exciting. And touching that book is magical. I like how you phrase the joy of finding old books; the baggage we actually want. These books are just personal with notes or dedications written for previous owners. It’s like inviting yourself into someone’s living room and get to experience their reading taste.
LOL, I can see you are thrifter. 🙂 Great things and treasures are found in those unassuming places. Thanks Heather, I’m certainly planning to have fun with my reads.
Awww thank you! I’m not an Arie fan. She’s a little too folksy for me but thanks for those kind words!
You’re welcome, Kathy. As for Arie, I’m not aware of that side of her. When I say I love her, I mean her music. I guess the essay by Sisonke Msimang, “All your faves are problematic…” makes sense. A recommended read, if you haven’t. 🙂
Ha! I meant folk musicy (just made up that last word) but her music seems more like folk music.
Oh and I’ll check out the essay.
LOL! I misunderstood to mean her character. See how we can misread each other! 😀
Exactly!!! Happens all the time with texting, instant messaging, etc. lol