Verse Around the Web and in Print:
- Spillwords Press: Dear 2021, You Should Know
- Kalahari Review: Law & Order Upside Down
- Kalahari Review: Face of Crime
- Navigating the Change: A friend asks how my family is doing
- Spillwords Press: Self-care
- Write Away Magazine: To the Moon (and Back)
- Running Brook (Runner-up for the 2nd Annual Poetry Contest. Hosted by Yecheilyah at Literary Korner Publishing)
- Poets United: Word Roots
- Poets United: Journeys Travelled
- Brittle Paper: Clarity on Load-shedding
Select Poems on this Site:
- Purposeful Presence; a poem for World Environmental Day
- Waiting for Luna; a moon poem
- Acknowledgement; a poem about body image
- Ravishing Rose; a poem about a flower
- Family Heirloom; a poem about storytelling
- Some Days; a poem about resilience
- Where It Begins; a poem about self-limiting beliefs
- Not Yours to Sell; a poem about scammers
- Blow Me a Kiss; a poem about candles
- Identity Questioned; a poem about identity
- On Her Day She Wails; a poem for Mother Earth