Waiting for Luna

Winter night dark and brutal
Skywatcher trembles
for first love is hard.
What lunatic waits to be jilted
by a girl he never laid eyes on?

For Poets United

Khaya Ronkainen
Khaya Ronkainen is a writer, poet and creative professional. Her blog focuses on all things poetry and creative nonfiction.


  1. That is the foolishness of man as the need is greater that reason, yet the quest has taken us to realms previously unkown.

  2. The “inconstant moon”, eh? She refused to put in an appearance for me last night – well, actually, was prevented by cloud – but still I always watch for Her.

  3. Q. What kind of lunatic waits to be jilted by a girl he has never laid eyes on?
    A. The true poet

    Loved this poem. Wowzer !

  4. Perhaps just temporary insanity caused by the changeable moon…Love this Khaya! 🙂

  5. Pure magic, Khaya and one that invites questioning, reasoning where perhaps there are no answers or clarity! Beautiful.

  6. She was my first love… my father could never live up to my expectations when I asked him to take down the moon…

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