Beware the barrenness of a busy life. – Socrates
In the depths of busyness, I neglected one of my most treasured pastimes – reading. And so, I’m making amends by finally dedicating time to read from my ever-growing TBR list.
While I won’t be writing blog reviews about my reads, maybe only for poetry books, I’ll try to leave a trace on Amazon, etc., whenever I can.
If you’d like to join the challenge, welcome! The challenge starts June 1st and ends August 31st.
Pick 10 books (any genre, any form) you want to read this summer, and of course, you can keep adding to (or changing) your list. In your list include:
- at least, one book that dared to push the envelope. You can find inspiration, for example, here and here.
- at least, one book in translation (from any language to the language you’re comfortable reading in)
- at least, one book by an indie author
- during your reading, please do share snippets/images of your reading experience, either on your blog, Facebook or Instagram with a tag #summerreading2018. You can let us know (link or handle) in comments section if you’ll reading, so we can follow along.
- At the end of the challenge, please recommend at least one ‘must read’ from your list, and tell us why.
My Reading List (in no particular order)
- Stories from the Sun by Nametso Phonchi
- Maledicus by Charles French
- The Muse by Jessie Burton
- Cast a Long Shadow by Leena Lander
- The Storyteller Speaks by Annika Perry
- Complete Poems by Emily Dickson
- Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence
- Daddy edited by K E Garland
- Magical Mechanications by Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris
- The Lady from Zagreb by Phillip Kerr
When I was younger or rather before I became partially sighted I Loved reading books. After I lost vision in my left eye due to a stroke gradually it became more difficult to read print unless it’s large print. Then I went to reading on my Kindle because I can enlarge the text but now my right eye gets tired easily and sometimes I cannot track what I’m reading. Therefore it takes me months to read one book that used to take a week.
So in 2015 I pretty much stopped reading newspapers and magazines because I can’t make out the text. Sometimes I will listen to Audio Books on Kindle or YouTube. For years I took reading for granted until that gift was taken from me. Life plays tricks on you since I was an English Major in College. Gave most of my books away or put them in storage. Some I just trashed. Recently I’ve taken up abstract painting to replace reading. Creating art can be just as fulfilling. Getting older and having to give up what you used to Love is a challenge.
Hello Khaya
It was a lovely surprise to see my book amongst your summer reading challenge! Enjoy and I would love to know your thoughts on it when you have a chance … I’ll look out for traces! Have a great time reading the books … it’s so important to take this time out!
I’m posting tomorrow about books, not quite a challenge but recent special purchases and ones I hope to read before the end of summer. Many thanks again. xx
You, my dearest Khaya, are such a temptress! How can anyone (and yes, by “anyone” I mean me *hehehe*) refuse this invitation. I shall join in. I totally will. 😀
Hi Deborah!
Thank you so much for taking time to read. I had no idea you were partially sighted, but then again it’s the nature of the internet. We feel we know quite a lot about the virtual friendships we make here, yet some aspects remain hidden. Your story is both touching and inspiring; thank you for sharing.
I cannot even begin to imagine how it feels to have to give up reading. But I’m glad to hear that you do sometimes listen to Audio Books. They are as enjoyable as the print version, and thankfully it’s part of the market that growing fast as well.
You are so right, creating art (in any form) can be fulfilling. Such a brilliant alternative to pursue. I’ve been away from blogging for a while, I need catch up on your blog and see your abstract creations. Keep inspiring and creating!
Hi Annika
I bought your e-book sometime ago. Actually just after I’d mentioned that I’d wait for the print version. I couldn’t wait; I was impatient, I wanted to read it immediately. 🙂 but life got in the way as it usually does. Now, I’m slowly reclaiming my reading time.
I’m looking forward to read about the books you’ll be reading. I’m happy that you’ll be reading. It doesn’t matter that it’s not quite for the challenge, what is important is to feed that imagination and support other writers. Happy reading, my friend…xx
YAY! I’m super delighted to hear that you have fallen for my charms. See the power of words! 😀
Thank you, dear Maga. Let’s explore the magical worlds…
Thanks. I will read short books or novellas from time to time but I try to avoid eye strain. I enlarge the text really big. At least my right eye still works.
Thank you so much! I am honored!
It’s a pleasure, Charles. I’ve meaning to read your book for a long time!
I do hope you will blog on poetry you read…there is such a deficit of good reviews for poetry!
This is so true; there’s huge deficit when it comes to poetry. I’ll certainly contribute in my small way!
Good for you for taking the reading challenge! Reading is such a pleasure. I’m trying to read 24 books this year and so far on target. 🙂 Happy Reading, Khaya!
This seems a great idea.I shall note down some of the books you mention
Have fun!! I can’t wait to hear which ones are your favourite!! Big Hugs!
Yep, reading is a great joy. Not bad at all your target of 24 books, it means you’re aiming at least for 2 books per month. Happy Reading to you, too! 🙂
Thanks Katherine! I hope you do check out some of the books on my reading list. I tried to cover different genres as I read widely. I wish I could have included more poetry books. I have a particular craving for contemporary African poetry, especially South African, but accessing it is a challenge. It seems poetry publishers are reluctant in embracing digital publishing, and shipping costs for paperbacks are ridiculous but that’s a post for another day.
You do know that I’m a Libran, which means I suffer from indecision! 😀
Hi Khaya! A pleasure to be here. I followed Magaly to your challenge and…yup! I’m in 🙂
I’ll be doing 5 books, as my life is mad-busy….but yes,much reading required and this was the push I needed.
Hi Vivian! Thank you so much for joining the fun. 🙂 Any number of books will do, I’m just happy that you’ll make time to read even in the midst of busyness.
Woot! Thanks Khaya <3
Here's the link for Daddy eBook:
You’re welcome, Kathy! I’ll add the link. <3
Wishing you luck, sis. Reading is a problem for me these days. Bad eyesight and just plain tired after work and taking care of the home to do any meaningful reading. I have been on one novel for months now it’s embarrassing. 🙂
What a pity with bad eyesight! I totally get understand, Celestine. But, but…there are audio books nowadays that are as much fun to listen to, while also carrying out your home chores, commuting to and fro work, etc. Have you tried that option?
Hopefully you will be able to access this link. It is the New York Times Summer Reading list.
Same here. I had retina surgery back in Jan. 2010 actually prior to that I was completely blind in my left eye only able to see light and dark. I have also been trying to read one novel for months. Since I can only read with my right eye I don’t want to tire it out. Audio books are the way to go.
Ack! I forgot to add myself here. I’m under Rommy Driks on Facebook and rommy_driks on instagram. I’ve already finished two books. 🙂
Hello Rommy! I’m super pleased to hear you’ve joined the challenge and are reading with me. Thank you so much. Will be checking you out on FB and Instagram. 🙂
OH… horror upon horror!!
There’s a collection of short stories missing off that list!
Dread and tarnation!! 😉 🙂 😉
Oh, do not worry my friend! Your book might not be not on this list but I read it and even dotted down notes for a review. Then I got side tracked *shamed face*. I blame life. 🙂
I know how important reviews are for authors. And now that I’m actually concentrating on reading (not writing) this summer, I’ll make sure to rectify this (horror)mistake. Thanks for the reminder.
Please bear with me, I’ll get there. Need to find my notes first. 😀