Good Weather

Blue is the colour of sky
Delicious a taste of sunshine
In the absence of rain
Wind holds its breath

Oh, the sweet suspension!
Nature writes each line
Presents all elements;
Beauty in appreciation
Of the exact moment

PS. Sometimes it’s easy capture my world in six-word memoirs, other times not and especially when I’m on the move. But poetry never fails. So, I suspect I’ll be sharing more micro poetry, this season and throughout summer; call them “life on the move.” This also means there’ll be no backstories, as Archibald MacLeish puts it, “A poem should not mean But be.”

Wishing you a delightful weekend, and I hope you slow down to enjoy the scenery!

Khaya Ronkainen
Khaya Ronkainen is a writer, poet and creative professional. Her blog focuses on all things poetry and creative nonfiction.


  1. I have two favourite colours — blue and red. Each one depending my mood. And you Khaya, have reminded me of all the reasons blue resonates. Thank you for this post and message! Sky HIGH beauty 💙

  2. Oh, the sweet suspension! … love that expression in the middle… and the quote about not having backstories… I agree with that… am not sure what explanations do to poetry but maybe just leaving it in the reader’s hands is preferable… let it be!

  3. Thank you, Rajani. I love that quote a lot, because it’s so spot on. It can be frustrating to have to explain a poem I don’t even remember what inspired it. 😀

  4. Yep, it’s summer at last; a super crazy and fun-packed season. 🙂 Thanks Kathy, I hope you’re making the best of your Europe trip. <3

  5. No, it won’t be on there, though you’re happy to visit it.

    I’ll post part of it (our time in the Netherlands) on Monday. Now that we’re in Croatia, I’m trying to suss out the rest 😉

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