Beloved October

Irresistible is lure of her beauty.

backstory: I don’t need to say much about October, she speaks for herself. But I’ll raise a glass, not to her beauty but because she loved me before I was born.

— ♥ —

Cheers to October and all her babies!

p.s. Also linking to Writers’ Pantry at Poets and Storytellers United.

Khaya Ronkainen
Khaya Ronkainen is a writer, poet and creative professional. Her blog focuses on all things poetry and creative nonfiction.


  1. There are two October babies in my family and both are special, so I applaud your poem!

  2. And I join your October cheer. Because she loved you before she was born. And because she sings so brightly in my heart.

  3. I have finally caught up! October here in my part of the northwest is not as colorful as New England, but has a subtle beauty all her own. I join you in your appreciation of this month and all she gives to us.

  4. This is exquisite … three of our four children were born in October ‘loved by October before she knew they were born.’

  5. Such a beautiful phrase: “she loved me before I was born”…we share the same birth month, yes, but I’m thinking perhaps there’s an allusion to your mother in this phrase as well?
    Love your depth of prose, Khaya

  6. Thank you so much, Laura. And what a wonderful thing to share this special month with some members of my writing community! That’s just one of the ways October loves me. 🙂 Yes, my mother is one of the two people (my father as well) I know for sure, loved me before I was born. So, there’s an allusion to both.

  7. Thank you for reading, Lavinia. And welcome to the celebration and appreciation of October. 🙂 It is a bountiful month that offers many gifts. Enjoy the season!

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