Random Acts of Kindness

Literary friends help me celebrate words.

(longish) backstory: Whether you view writing as a solitary activity or not, we can’t deny that the act of putting words onto the page requires time and space; alone time. For me, this alone time often feels like living with invisible people in a forested castle, and with neighbours wondering if I’m ever going to come out, at all.

That why I value my creative communities. I learn from other creatives in order to improve my craft. But they also inspire, motivate and entertain me. My online creative communities remain an invaluable source of support, especially during these pandemic times, where face-to-face gatherings are measured.

Sometimes, from these creative communities, meaningful friendships are formed. How lucky am I to have one, two and more of these precious literary friends. They continue to show me true beauty; kindness! Their random acts of kindness, quietly shining a spotlight on the words I write, even as I slumber in my imagined castle, are a true gift.

As Maggie Doherty puts it, “Communities can be important for any writer. But they are most important for those writers and artists who would falter without these forms of mutual aid.”

So, to you all members of my communities, for all the ways you make me a better writer, thank you!

special note: If you are not member of a creative community and have always been suspicious about or viewed these communities as some sort of a yacht club, you might find this article, The Creative Communities That Changed Literature Forever, interesting.

I’m also linking to Writers’ Pantry at Poets and Storytellers United.

Khaya Ronkainen
Khaya Ronkainen is a writer, poet and creative professional. Her blog focuses on all things poetry and creative nonfiction.


  1. Thanks, great post. I’ve recently been advised to seek out & participate in writing communities because that support of having those who can relate & encourage is necessary.

  2. Very well said. And kindness that comes from that place weighs more because they’re just like you and know how far and how deeply a well-timed word can impact you.

  3. Creative communities both on and offline, and personal friendships with other writers, have been vital to me too. And to many others, no doubt.

  4. Online writing communities i have the loudest yes to. I too have received kindness and encouragement in my solutitude and find my creativity being fed in a good way with the prompts abd new genres i encounter.
    Happy Sunday Khaya. Always interesting to read your posts.


  5. The Inklings was the first such group that came to mind. There is at least one book about them out there and I plan to pick it up some day. And OMG, YES… I owe so, so much to my writing friends, especially during the pandemic.

  6. How sweet of you to link up to my October Poet (series), Khaya!
    Here’s to those special creative kindred spirits that seem to be there at just the right time in our lives!

  7. As age has encroached on my ability to get out and about, I have sorely missed the various groups in which I participated and from which I drew inspiration. My on-line friends have helped to fill that emptiness and I’m ever so grateful.

  8. It’s so good to have people who care about your writing and believe you could do with a writing community. I hope you consider their suggestion. We do need to surround ourselves with people who understand the joys as well as the struggles of a writing/creative life.

  9. We all need kindness and encouragement, from time to time. And these alone can be the simple beauty of writing communities. Thanks to you too, Gillena. I’m super chuffed to hear you enjoy reading my posts. Much love.♥

  10. Yes, The Inklings…they left quite a legacy, and also sound like they had lots of fun with the stuff they did at those gatherings. 😀 I’d love to hear about that book, whenever you get to read. And yes, I echo your sentiment. This pandemic has been hard, and I treasure these friendships, too.

  11. One friend with whom you can support, motivate, inspire each other makes all the difference. And thanks goodness for online communities such as Poets United!

  12. I like to share my conversations around Blogland here, too. I have friends who don’t blog but peruse my blog for pleasure. 🙂 But yes, those special creative kindred spirits sometimes seem like God-sent… Hugs!xx

  13. The internet offers some huge benefits. One of them is the ability to connect with the like-minded, make new acquaintances and friendships, and continue to enjoy quality social interactions wherever we are. Be well, Bev!

  14. Oh yes it’s a great suggestion, just a matter of finding the right ones & due to covid restrictions. I was also introduced to the idea of a writing fellowship which I wasn’t familiar with. Thanks so much for the encouragement.

  15. The six-word story is spot on. And I completely agree with the thoughts you shared in the backstory. There is so much strength, joy, and inspiration to be found in supporting each other.

  16. Thank you for being here, Khaya! I value your words and wisdom, and you have been kind to me. I have shied away from creative communities for fear of my own writing voice being drowned. Perhaps I will try one.

  17. Thanks you too, Lavinia. I enjoy your meaningful and unhurried conversations through your blog as well. I love reading about life and happenings in your beautiful part of the world. Maybe it’s because I’m always yearning for the kind of calm one finds in the countryside. As for creative communities, sometimes it takes time to find a good fit. But give it a try, a community of creatives has its rewards! <3

  18. It’s always a pleasure, Christina. And I’m forever grateful for your input and feedback, too. Your support means a lot to me.

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