Happiness IS

The smell of freshly baked bread, taste of berries I picked from the wild, sound of my brother’s voice on the phone, a hug from my baby sister I wish I could spend more time with, sight of my fast-growing nephews and nieces are the happiness that is all my senses. Beauty of a pause, silence, me and my thoughts daydreaming, conversations with my fictional characters are the happiness I pour out on the paper. To be moved by music or muse in mundane places such as a grocery store is the happiness I’ll gladly serve as poetry for dinner. Autumn is happiness. Nature’s invitation to freely wander off the beaten track and go skinny-dipping. A rainy day is happiness of simply snuggling up on a sofa with my hubby as we binge watch our favourite series. Happiness is simple things, really, for this introverted soul.

note: A while ago, Natalie, the Hot Goddess, whose exuberant manner and unfiltered truth I admire, asked me and a few fellow bloggers, “What is happiness?” With her permission, I’m sharing my response here, too. If interested, you can read other responses by following the link above.

Welcome to my October! <3

p.s. Also linking to Writers’ Pantry at Poets and Storytellers United.

Khaya Ronkainen
Khaya Ronkainen is a writer, poet and creative professional. Her blog focuses on all things poetry and creative nonfiction.


  1. “the beauty of a pause” I like that. When we think of happiness, we’re more likely to picture a parade than a pleasant stillness.

  2. Yes to all of these! Remembering the happy things helps make the other stuff more bearable.

  3. Ah, these are the necessities of happiness, and not the glitter and glamour so many seek! Reading your words was like slipping into comfortable slippers. I so identify!

  4. I love this! And yes, happiness is all we allow to make us happy. Hm… I wonder if creative souls find more sources of happiness than other people do. I mean, not everyone can find smiles in ink or paint or clay and bloom. But how lucky we are that we do.

    Also, yay for skinny dipping! 😀

  5. Delightful. I can see you at the grocery store, humming to the music. I do the same. Sipping my tea now this rainy morning, reading your words, listening to the classical music station, preparing a prompt to use when I teach my creative writing class this afternoon. This is happiness. Every single moment. <3

  6. I wonder if it’s easier for an introvert to find happiness, or peacefulness. Maybe not. But I loved your list of what makes you happy, Khaya. A beautiful share. 🙂

  7. I bet creative souls can always create ways to find happiness. I mean really, isn’t finding smiles in ink just delightfully ludicrous. 😀 But we are lucky, indeed, that we do. As for skinny dipping… <3 Thanks Maga.

  8. I’m super pleased to hear you agree wholeheartedly, though I’d have easily guessed this. Interesting are people born in October: ambiverts, social introverts, thinking introverts, etc., don’t you think! 😀 Happiest October, dear Laura!

  9. Oh, YAY! I love it, when words meet us where we are. How lovely that mine find you in your happy zone, too. This is happiness, enjoy every bit of it. <3

  10. That’s an interesting thought Diana; your wondering.:-) I don’t know, at least I’d like to think that we all can easily find happiness depending on what we define or view it as. And thank you, I’m glad you love my list of simple happiness. <3

  11. I suppose all an extrovert needs to do is find a bunch of people to chat with. That’s sounds easy too… for extoverts. 🙂 Hard during covid times, I’m sure.

  12. You are right, during these times, it might not be that easy to find a bunch of people to talk. And I guess face-to-face conversations are more energizing for extroverts than otherwise.

  13. Khaya, beautiful reflections on happiness … it really is this simple! Where a pause is a precious gift, where binge-watching a series with one’s beloved releases a sigh of utter contentment. I can relate to so much here and I’m smiling especially at ‘conversations with my fictional characters’! So true! Wishing you a wonderful start to Autumn … although the thought of skinny dipping this time of year has me reaching for my blanket for warmth! hugs xx

  14. Thank you so much Annika for taking time to read. I love that you can relate to many of my joys here. Simple things can bring about immense happiness. And as you’ve put it so well in your latest blog post, we only have to look and see.

    LOL about reaching for your blanket! I promise you everything, including skinny dipping, is so much easier and fun after miles and miles of hiking. You should try it soon, while the weather is still warm. 😀 😀

  15. I’ve tried it during warm summer evening in the North Sea in Sweden … take note of warm!! Loved it! As little I would freeze even swimming in the Med when it was 40 degrees. I know, what a softie! 😀 The rage in UK is cold water swimming! I can imagine it is very refreshing!

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