1. On Mothers’ Day
I love the idea of a day set aside to celebrate mothers. Because mothers are a blessing; they make magic happen with their unconditional love. But I also know not all parent-child relationships are harmonious, more especially it comes to parenting adult children. So, I found myself nodding as I listened to siStars on Motherhood talk about motherhood.
p.s. Behind siStars is Kathy Garland, Michelle, the Therapist and Lady G.
2. Human Connection
With European elections coming up, I’ve been watching the debate among lead candidates running for presidency. And I realised that Josh Gross, who advocates for a more personal approach to science communication is onto something, because the same can be said about politics. Anyway, read for yourself what he suggests in this article To Better Save the Planet, Show Yourself.
3. The Song
It’s time again for cultural diplomacy. The Eurovision Song Contest has commenced. It’s disappointing that Finland got eliminated so early. But watching politics play out in this contest is always interesting enough to keep me glued on the screen. Of course, I’ll be voting for my favourites.
4. TBR List
I pride myself in reading globally but it occurs, as I prepare my Summer Reading Challenge list, that I don’t diversify my reads enough. My TBR list reveals that I read female writers more. I felt guilty about this shortage of male writers in my list, until I ran into numerous articles that point out that, in fact, men (most) aren’t reading women writers either. So, I find myself rethinking my reads.
5. Habits
Some start the day with a prayer, I start mine with a poem. Reading a poem or poems first thing as I sip my morning coffee is something I do out of habit. And the right poem is just the thing to put me in the right frame of mind for the day ahead. I used to do museum visits out of habit, and as “ME” time. But with a busy schedule that sort of became a luxury I couldn’t afford. But I’ve recently renewed my museum card in order to get back to enjoying time alone, learn, reflect and be inspired. So, see you at the museums!
But over to you, how has your week been?
Occasionally, I share five random things I’m reading, watching, doing and thinking about. Hope you find them interesting.
Awww Thanks for sharing our convo Khaya! You’re the best. Also with #4, I’ve found that I read predominantly black people :-/ I’ve also tried to switch it up a bit.
How interesting that women tend to read works by female authors and vice versa. Museums are a perfect place to relax and reflect. Enjoy!
It’s a pleasure Kathy, I do enjoy your podcasts and this one was so spot on! As for reading, I guess it’s easy to go with the familiar. But by so doing, we miss out so much.
It is interesting reading pattern, indeed. But I’m really trying to be mindful of this. And yes, thank you, I’m planning to enjoy my museum visits!
Thank you Khaya for your wonderful feedback to our Motherhood conversation. I am so glad our conversation resonated with you. We appreciate the shout out as well. KE (Doc) and Lady G are the absolute best, My blog site is: amichelleexperience.me
Thank you so much for the wonderful mention! I love knowing that you are enjoying what we’re doing. Many blessings to you!😘💋❤️LadyG
Mothers Day is always depressing for me. Even though my Mom passed away August 1998 for me the pain, sorrow and mourning has continued. Last Sunday I was so upset I couldn’t even make it to Church. Up until today I avoided social media. Fortunately I have not owned a TV in years.
I will go through more torture on Father’s Day. All those Holidays do are remind me of loss.
Of course I make believe I’m Happy but the facade falls away when People ask me How was my Mother’s Day. Crappy.
Never having married I never had children so I don’t fit in or belong during family centerd holidays.
All I want to do is hide and cry. Plus my Mom’s Birthday was in May. Now both my parents have every Birthday in Heaven.
My male-to-female authors reading ratio is pretty balance. It’s purely coincidental, too. I just looked it because you pointed it out, lol!
This week was a really busy one for me–scheduling upcoming medical procedures, editing, getting my flesh and bones back into shape… Busy. But really fun.
You are welcome, Michelle. Thank you for directing to you site, I thought you don’t blog. I hope you do come back to write on it more often. 🙂 <3
Blessings to you LadyG. You are doing a wonderful job, and I’m eager to hear more. <3
I hear you, DeBorah! It can be difficult at times with constant reminders of what we’ve lost or don’t have. But try to surround yourself with people who share the same experiences. And more importantly give yourself permission to enjoy life; your life the way it was designed to be. It’s easier said than done, I know. Much love… <3
I’m glad my musings inspired you to look at your reading tendencies. 🙂 You’ve achieved what seems to elude most. Great stuff, and keep it up. I’ve begun to make note of this and challenge myself to keep a balance.
Yay to busy fun! That picture of you having fun on the trampoline, made so jealous. I thought I want, want to have this kind of fun when exercising…lol! <3
Thanks. I’m an introvert by nature so except for my job where I’m required to be with people after work I shy away from Human contact. I don’t feel safe in sharing my sorrow or grief because the few times that I did I received some horrible reactions. Mostly I keep mourning to myself. After all the nasty things people have said to me over the years I have learned to avoid contact with humans as much as possible. Sharing is not caring. Unless I have to work on Mothers and Fathers Day I isolate myself. People are way too judgmental.
Khaya I am trying my best to do just that…to write more often. I appreciate the encouraging nudge. Have an outstanding faithful week. 😊🥰♥️
Hey My Friend! I have to apologize! I am so behind in blog land! Trying to get around and say hi to everyone! I start everyday, with putting my hand on my heart and telling myself, I love you and then I always do my stretches! Big Hugs!
Thank you dear Stacy! So, good to see you around. I’ve been at it myself, “putting my hand on my heart and telling myself, I love you.” Big Hugs! <3