Promise of Pleasure

At a distance, yells the mysterious creature ––

We’re tired and dozy
Will you keep it down!
What’s with the moaning?
Gloating won’t win
It’s been a long day hiking.

Sun rays bedazzle
Water a mirror reflecting
A glimpse of her world
Staring agape in wonder.
A twilight experience
As the sun winks;
A pause to welcome the night.

P.S. If you fancy nature/love poetry for summer reading, Seasons Defined, an e-Chapbook is available from Amazon for 0.99 cents. Go grab your copy! 🙂

Coffee Talk

At a sidewalk café, I eavesdrop on a conversation between poets. Sensible artists on a sensitive topic of writing about family and friends; people who are always wary of misrepresentation, for they know writers can steal lives for fiction.

I hear writers master great dialogue. But this exchange spans hours. One poet claims a poem is not worth losing a relationship over, the other states truth is like poetry. The waitress looks at me and smiles, “Everybody knows poets are extremely gracious and generous.” I think about poetics of politeness.

If I were a poet— I wonder if it’s gracious to invite an artist friend, whose hurtful comment on social media I wrote about, for coffee. Not to ask permission, but to announce publication. Perhaps we’d need something strong to loosen the tongue.

unrhymed poetics;
an acrobatic movement
between two artists