Epistle: On Rekindling a Sense of Awe

hear the sigh,
beholder of beauty!
something not-quite of spring has sprung,
even when crocus lies dormant.
beAm of light—
a fleeting sunlight.
though heart is eager to match
the beat of changing seasons,
i’m low on bandwidth.
it’s been a (w) inter
with a capital W.
but who can cling to wreckage
or try to impress ghosts,
when Mother Nature
pulsates with life?

Khaya Ronkainen
Khaya Ronkainen is a writer, poet and creative professional. Her blog focuses on all things poetry and creative nonfiction.


  1. AWE shines through in your poem and photography. Grateful for this shift to a higher place Khaya. Now, and every single time I visit your blog. Shine on my friend!

  2. Thank you, Dr. D. I’m grateful to you, too, for the inspiration and encouragement as I try to “plant my glimmer.” 🙂 <3

  3. Yeah, these lines sometimes pack more as they sum up the whole season, literally and metaphorically. Thanks for reading, Rajani!

  4. “It’s been a Winter….” Khaya, I love all of this.

  5. Yes, yes, yes! Mother Nature pulsates life so abundantly Khaya! Love this:
    though heart is eager to match
    the beat of changing seasons…

    Girlfriend, this speaks to the depth of transformation. I am so loving your vibe! Have a FANtabulous week my dear friend! 🥰💐😍💖😊 Hugs and smooches!

  6. This right here: “though heart is eager to match
    the beat of changing seasons,
    i’m low on bandwidth”. If only our heart vibes change as decidedly as seasons do. No matter what, Mother Nature does her thing—seasons change like clockwork.

  7. How gorgeous, my friend. I love the sum-up in the last four lines. It’s so full of anticipation and hope and joy. Spring is coming, my friend. <3

  8. Mother Nature is the best teacher in embracing all seasons. I hope you find beauty and enjoy the season you are in!

  9. There’s so much anticipation for the coming spring, indeed. Just the mere presence of sunlight is encouraging me to spend more time outdoors than indoors. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed this poem. Wishing you a wonderful and bright Sunday, my friend! <3

  10. This is rich with awe…and so captures how I feel at this time of year, on the cusp of a change.

  11. I understand. This time of the year can be sluggish, despite the anticipation of the new season. So much we seem to carry over from the previous season… But I’m glad to hear you found some awe from the poem. Keep rekindling that sense of awe!

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