I Hang The Bird Feeder

seasons are a language I understand.
after winter, comes spring
and then the

i hang the bird feeder
not for the birds but to mark
comings and goings of each season.

Khaya Ronkainen
Khaya Ronkainen is a writer, poet and creative professional. Her blog focuses on all things poetry and creative nonfiction.


  1. A lovely poem, Khaya. I love the ways birds remind us of the coming and going of the seasons. I enjoy living in a land of seasons where the changes are always welcome. Enjoy the birds at your feeder, and your spring’s roll into summer. <3

  2. I love to do little things to mark the beginnings in each season. Part of it is because of tea. Japanese tea ceremony is very particular about what to do with the year broken down into microseasons. But I’ve always paid attention to seasonal touchstones, even when I was a little girl.

  3. Personal rituals that are in sync with ourselves and with nature are the best! That birdhouse is very unique – I like it.

  4. We live in troubled times but Mother Earth always remind us there is something to celebrate, no matter how small. Thanks Laura for reading!

  5. Birds are a joy, and the seasons help us to find our footing in a world full of chaos. Thanks, my friend. Enjoy the summer season, too!

  6. These little rituals are a great way to celebrate life. I am simply in awe by how you’ve embraced the Japanese tea ceremony. One day, I hope we’ll have a conversation about it as I find it fascinating.

  7. The closing made me smile, mostly because I’ve always thought that I don’t really hand bird feeders for the birds… but for me to delight in their presence.

    I also love how you see the seasons.

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