Winter enfolds my many faces
soothes scars left by scorching words
darkness a refuge.
But come spring―
call me by any name
and I will let go of dead weight
shed offended mask
to stand exposed my many faces

Note: The poem is in response to Sanaa at Prompt Nights, “Life is a masquerade. You never know might be hiding behind a mask or facade.”
Wonderful blending of seasons with the theme “life is a masquerade.” Very well done, indeed, Khaya!
Aw…joy of life does always shun masks….lovely feel…
Profound words!
Encouraging and supportive comments like yours, make writing a joy. Thank you always for reading. I appreciate!
And yet there’s richness in embracing. For exposing it all (in words) is for the brave! 🙂
Thanks so much, Ally!
Whistles!!❤️? This is absolutely mesmerizing a write, Khaya 😀 you had me at the opening lines; the imagery, the pacing of the poem and the tone completely draws the reader in! Especially love “But come spring― call me by any name and I will let go of dead weight” sigh.. beautifully rendered. Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights and for your constant love and support ❤️?
Lots of love,
Love the play of meaning of words of masks… Life changes us. Experiences changes us. Just like the seasons change the land. But even after the roughest winter, spring will still be spring.
Winter is a time to be enfolded, contemplative, a healing darkness and then spring and my spirit awakens – a time to begin anew. We all have our masks, wisdom is knowing which to let go of. Lovely read, Khaya
‘Call me by any name’ is so apt in springtime as we become new again and relive our lives with so many possibilities.
Thank you, Maga! True that, life changes us and sometimes can hit us hard but we rise again.
“…wisdom is knowing which to let go of.” Powerfully said, and I completely agree!
I love this take – a real sense and feel of being in control and empowered by putting on the ‘right’ face for each situation that arises
The gift of spring is something I look forward to, and so is the gift of contemplation in autumn. Thanks, Robin!
Thanks Jae! Not all masks are bad. 🙂 And with such hate in the world, it’s scary to think what one might see if masks were taken done.
Powerful, strong words! Well done!!!
this is a sweet poem, the hope of Spring, enlivens
thanks for dropping in to read mine, Khaya
much love…
Yes! Thank you dear, Stacy. I appreciate your support. 🙂
This is quite clever. It also echoes my feelings towards the seasons quite well
Brilliant poem, Khaya! We all wear masks through life – the power and control is well portrayed with the parting shot of ‘interchangeable’.
wonderful…a strength so outspoken even with the a sad tone there….liked it so much!
Lovely to see you, Rommy! Thank you so much.
Don’t we all, indeed! Thank you Annika for reading. 🙂
I’m glad you like it. Many thanks!
Thank you my friend!
Thanks to you too, Gillena. Much love!