“Winter my dear would be cold without warm memories.”
Flakes fall―
a spectacle through the window
warm glögi cupped between my hands
ember coals in the room give way to the glow in your eyes
defying echoes of impossible dreams to relive a day under the African sun
where we took our first long kiss; a beginning of a lifetime journey to the moon

Song choice: The Impossible Dream by Andy Williams
– process note: This piece is for our upcoming wedding anniversary on Dec 6th. It always feel as if the whole country pauses to celebrate with us, only but of course, it’s also Finland’s Independence Day. It’s a day of double celebration in our home!
Whistles!!❤️?This is soo wonderfully romantic Khaya 😀 wishing you happy anniversary and many more joyous years to come ahead. I love the tone, the pacing and the images that pour magic into this poem. Especially love; “ember coals in the room give way to the glow in your eyes defying echoes of impossible dreams to relive a day under the African sun.” Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights and for your constant love and support❤️?
Lots of love,
Simply Beautiful, Khaya!
Beautiful Khaya! 🙂
What a lovely tribute on your anniversary, may it be a happy day and may you both celebrate many more.
a sweet and cozy warmth in winter…Happy Anniversary Khaya…
A wedding Anniversary, how nice! It is testament of a blissful time together and to think the whole country celebrates as well! Happy Anniversary!
Aw! Happy anniversary! This shines with so much romance. I’m always impressed with how strongly you build up emotions in a small space.
Happy Anniversary! ?? lovely evocative poem…such a strong sense of the romance within the winter…but also of longing? Hope you have a very special time tomorrow. ??
Congratulations on both the anniversary and the poem. One needs to be in love in Finland to keep warm!
Beautiful, Khaya. Happy Annniversary.
Dear Sanaa, many thanks to you too. Your prompts do inspire and motivate me to write. But must I say, sometimes I read your prompt and think how am I going to come up with a poem from it. So, it’s a invaluable exercise for my writing process. Thank you. 🙂
Thank you kindly, my friend!
Thank you so much, Ally!
Such a kind comment, Ellecee. Thank you so much.
Yeah, I absolutely love winter. Thank you, Sumana!
A testament, indeed! 🙂 Thank you always Hank for reading.
Oh, Rommy! This is a lovely compliment. I just mentioned to Sanaa that sometimes when I read the prompt, mind goes blank and I think how am I going to come up with a poem. So, it’s really encouraging to hear that some pieces do succeed in conveying the message. Thank you so much, for anniversary wishes too.
Thank you so much, Annika. I kinda love winter romance. 😀
Many thanks Robin on both accounts. I absolutely agree with you, love is key to survive cold, dark and long Nordic winters. 🙂
Thank you dear Diana. Much appreciated. 🙂
Congratulations on your anniversary – this poem speaks beautifully about creating warmth and comfort within ourselves and our lives. something which requires work but shines through when found
Thanks always dear Jae. And oh yes, something that requires work indeed. Much appreciated!
This reads like a sigh, Khaya. One that is full of and longing, which grows deeper when we reach the last line. I find myself yearning for that sun, and knowing exactly what that kiss feels like.
Enjoy the day… celebrate another year… and the promise of more, much more!! 😉
My heart is smiling! I know one day, I will find my one true love, like you! Happy wedding anniversary! Happy Finland’s independence day! Big Hugs!
Aw, thank you so much! Yes that day will come, and you will cherish it. Keeping smiling, Stacy. 🙂
Hi AJ, good to see you here. Many thanks, I appreciate!
There’s always that kind of feeling, like a sigh, when one looks back and see how far they’ve come – a sense of gratitude!
Happy Belated Anniversary!!! This poem is beautiful <3
🙂 Thank you so much, Kathy!
BEAUTIFUL….happy anniversary!
Thank you, Sreeja!