Oh boy, am I happy to see light return! All that darkness can leave one depleted.
It’s been a busy start of the year, and it continues to be so. But here are Six Things Right Now, I’m sharing:
- If you used to get email notification for my blog posts, and of late things have been quiet, it’s because I’ve recently moved cyber-homes to https://www.khayaronkainen.fi Please sign up again, so as not to miss another post.
- I’ve resumed novel revision or final edit with urgency I’ve never felt before with this work.
- This means (despite my best intentions) I can’t keep up with a weekly blogging schedule. Instead I’ll post fortnightly, and continue to exercise my prose muscle by sharing bit of writing & living and a glimpse into the novel writing process as promised.
- I’m also taking a break from writing poetry as I need to focus my efforts on prose at this point. But I’ll keep sharing micro-poems (now and again) on Instagram.
- If you have specific questions concerning a poem(s) in the new (or old) chapbook, Goodreads might another place to connect.
Last but not least, my illustrator friend, Stacy @MagicLoveCrow is hosting a giveaway for a chance to win a print copy of my new chapbook and her artwork tote bag (as pictured below) at her cyber-home. Click on the link to see details on how to enter, if interested!

All the best, everyone. May your days be filled with light!
It seems that we are all reducing a little. This is my final week of “freedom”. After this, I’m going to be super-busy, too. So, I shall be blogging once a week instead of several times and only a couple of times on Instagram.
I wish lots of productivity and energy.
It seems to be so, indeed. Besides writing, there are other important things too, to consider.
Thanks Maga, and the same wish for you too!
Take care of you young lady! Big Hugs!
Aha! Thank you for telling me how to find you, Khaya. It sounds like you are busy! Enjoy the creative time and I’ll look forward to hearing about your progress!
I know right! 😀 Thank you, dearest Stacy. Big Hugs!
Thanks to you too, my friend, for a visit. I’ll keep my word on the progress. 🙂
How busy you sound. I’m happy you’re busy doing that which you love. Congratulations on your Chapbook. 🙂
Hi Sylvia! I guess I do sound busy but I’m pacing myself. 🙂 Thank so much for popping by and reading. Much appreciated.
Hi, Khaya! Good luck with your novel editing! It must feel great to be at that point. Everyone I know seems to be very busy. I struggle, too, to keep up posting regularly and visiting others’ posts. It’s awesome that you and Stacy collaborated on your book. Wishing you success!
Good luck with the revisions of your manuscript, Khaya and if you are feeling compelled to work on it so much the better! 😀 Understandably some things have to give way and I look forward to your fortnightly prose posts … alas I’m not on instagram to enjoy your micro poems.
Oh what a lovely surprise! Thank you so much Louise for visiting and reading. Much appreciated!
Thanks, Annika! I get into these phases with my never-ending novel writing. It’s either I don’t want to read another word from the manuscript or I feel optimistic and renewed to plough on. Perhaps, the reason I haven’t given up on it already, I’m writing it as a gift (more than anything else) for people who have been pestering, err…encouraging me to write this story. 😀
Don’t worry about Instagram, I’ll soon return to poetry here!
Thank you for your comment on my blog, now I have found yours as well! As far as work/blog/everything balance… ya gotta go where the energy takes you. 🙂
It’s a pleasure, Kyra. And thanks to you too, for taking time to read. Much appreciated!
Good luck in the light! 😉
Novel editing… my good lady keeps at me to redo my first novel… maybe!
I have so many short story ideas going that it isn’t easy to find time for all the other writing projects that are laying dormant!
I don’t get Goodreads… even though I am there too!
By the way… if you occasionally feel like listening to a SA voice on radio… it’s something I’m getting into these days! http://www.sandbagtimes.co.uk/sbt-radio/
I seem to be drifting into an evening show for the week nights… ~19h00 Irish time. (Nothing concrete about the schedule yet…)
Enjoy the spring … may the light shine on you! 🙂
Hi AJ! Thanks for popping by, and the link. I’m shelving it to listen over peaceful the Easter break, I’ve got so many things going at the moment.
As for many story ideas, muse can be generous at times but writing one story at a time might be more fun. 😀
Thank you, and a wonderful spring to you as well!