As I wander around the frozen lake, I ponder if there is any difference between solitude and isolation as they both honour alone time. But then, what is time when the duration of events is unknown?
I try to make sense of time by looking at changes, not of the world but of self. And I identify a subtle selfish streak. I have somewhat changed. Because nowadays, I’m not afraid to admit that in order to keep afloat I can only take care of myself and loved ones, before I expend myself to the world.
Even loved ones have to ask, I decide as I recall this “Sometimes people can only help us when we ask for that help…if we try to keep ourselves all tightly wrapped together, there’s no space for someone to step in and assist us.”
I walk back home energized not because I have figured out the difference between solitude and isolation. But because I witnessed a miracle as the lake started to melt; water is still wet.

That last line rocks, Khaya! Perfect close.
Lovely, honest reflections – and very cute photo.
Interesting reflections and love that deep last line “I witnessed a miracle, as the lake started to melt, water is still wet”
Being open and friendly is the answer and tyhen you both feel comfortable with the exchange of ideas and gifts.
You stole my heart with this one, Khaya! 💘
Love that ending, Khaya. Life happens. It happens all the time. And like your last sentence suggests, even when things seem completely changed (and not always for the better) life is evolving, doing her thing, being a canvas for our living.
Nature goes on about her business regardless of our own troubles. Her daily miracles are a solace in these times.
Isolation, solitude and time seem like gifts that transcend understanding…and change our constant companion. Thank you for reminding us of our fluidity through it all.
Interesting to read your reflections here …
I do like the photograph 🙂
Stay safe and well.
All the best Jan
The last line made me smile. Jarring events have a way of making us more aware of what has always been true, and how best to proceed reconnecting with that truth.
I enjoyed this, Khaya. This time of isolation causes us to face the mirror of our lives. I’m also using this time for self-development. (hard!)
Hello Beautiful Soul! So good to read you! I find it like a rebirth of this earth, for what is happening. I love your words, especially the last paragraph! Such a cute photo too! Please stay safe and healthy! Big Hugs!
Wonderful close on this contemplative – well rendered – piece of writing.
“Water is still wet” we have to pull our weight to get through this indeed
Solitude is by choice, it seems to me, and isolation does not allow others in, much as you concluded in your lake walk!
I am learning a lot about what I need to change in this forced time of isolation.
To learn one’s limits is the way of wisdom. You’re moving in the right direction.
I’ll take that compliment. Thank you, Rajani.
Thank you, Rosemary.
In these uncertain times, it is important and wonderful to see that some things are still the same. Thanks Marja.
Yes, I have to agree with you Robin.
Awww, you’re so kind, dear Sanaa. Thank you. <3
Yep, life evolves and also offers a canvas for us to write our stories all over again. And if we are lucky, we might even evolve with, and reach our better selves.
And these daily miracles are a gift. Because in these uncertain times, it’s comforting to see that some things remain the same.
They do, don’t they! Transcend understanding. This Van Gogh’s quote captures well the fluidity that is us, “The heart of man is very much like the sea, it has its storms, it has its tides and in its depths it has its pearls too.” Thank you, H for popping by. 🙂
Thank you, Jan. 🙂
Let’s be lucky!
They do, don’t they!
Thank you, Viv. And self-development is the way to go, as tough as it is. 🙂
You’ve put it so well, it is a rebirth of some sort that is happening now. Because we’re surely not coming out to the other side (and when it’s over) the same. So, I feel it’s important to reflect on these changes, while keeping faith. Thank you, dearest Stacy for popping by. Enjoy spring and be safe, as well. Big Hugs! <3
Many thanks for reading, Wendy.
Yes, we do! Much love, Gillena.
I’m glad you agree, Bev. 🙂
Loved the ending! 🙂
I believe we all are, Susie. There are just things that become so clear, when one is forced to looked at them at close range.
From time to time, we have to acknowledge our limits. 🙂
Thank you, Baishali. Lovely of you to drop by. 🙂
Lovely. Do you know this quote: “Our language has wisely sensed the two sides of being alone. It has created the word loneliness to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word solitude to express the glory of being alone.” Paul Tillich.
Stay well and stay safe, Khaya!
Such a brilliant explanation. I must have come across a quote like this at some stage but couldn’t say for sure whose quote it was. Now I know. 🙂 Thank you so much for sharing, Cynthia.
Hope spring is progressing well on your side. Stay safe, too!
Thank you. spring is lovely, though April, as my daughter says, is “such a month!” In three days we had warmth, sleet, snow, rain and fierce winds, The nice thing is that the spring flowers are still venturing forth and some are blooming.
Isolation or solitude?
Now… I’m gonna have to fathom which one I prefer??
Stay very safe – be very happy!😁😁