On Lessons Relearned from GloPoWriMo

Yes, I made it across the finish line, huffing and puffing, and wobbly with exhaustion. 😀 I’ve done global and national poetry challenges before, but never reflected on them. But this time I thought I’d share lessons I relearned from the exercise:

1. Creativity Requires Freedom

After publishing my latest poetry collection, I vowed to focus on fiction writing until I can write a happy poem again. I miss the feeling of writing poetry from a place of awe, wonder and joy. But here I am, with poems burdened by injustices of our world. The more I tried to control the direction or the outcome of each poem, the more I failed. So, I simply went with the flow.

2. Being a Verb, instead of Noun

There’s no doubt, writing a poem every day for a month requires discipline and commitment. While consistency is an achievement, for me, showing up regularly to the page reminded me to be a verb again, instead of a noun. That is, shut up and write, instead of talking about writing.

3. Embracing Imperfection

There’s much editing to be done now. But I wouldn’t have had anything to edit if I didn’t embrace imperfection. It’s liberating to know I can’t create a masterpiece during GloPoWriMo, and maybe never. The act of writing itself, not the outcome, becomes the focus.

4. Community Fosters Growth

I know I often complain about social media activities and behaviour. It’s because healthy discussions, encouragement, or valuable insights are scarce on these platforms, nowadays. As poet Mark Nepo once said, we’re living in a society where everyone is trying to get attention.

Thank goodness for the blogs! The blogging community remains one of the best. I’m deeply grateful to you all who wrote alongside, read and offered encouragement this past April. I appreciate every comment. Thank you!

5. Poetry is a Journey, Not a Destination

Each poem written is a step forward in the journey of self-discovery and artistic expression. This is also why I wanted to acknowledge this GloPoWriMo effort, instead of rushing off to the next big thing. Poetry writing is an ongoing process that enhances self-awareness and understanding of the world around me. Perhaps, the reason it remains my first love.

On that note, I’ll continue the search for a happy poem, especially now that birds are back. 🙂 Wishing you days full of wonder and joy, whatever season you’re in!

If I Could Change One Thing

If I could change one thing, what would it be?
A question to ponder, and a wish set free.
There’s the world greed’s dark stain
And hearts to mend torn by pain.
Perhaps I’d heal hidden scars of hate,
Create a space for love to dominate.
Or purge Mother Earth of war’s cruel toll
And honour victory with a peaceful stroll.
However, as I pause and deeply think,
I realise change can happen in a blink.
It’s not in the grand, sweeping decree
But in moments created by you and me.
To lend a hand, to comfort a weary soul
And cradle again, a heart made whole.
If I could change one thing, I’d attest,
The power to effect change lies within us.

Prompt 30. If I could change one thing, for Write Right @Thotpurge

PS. Featured Photo by Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash

An Alternate Reality

In reality, life is a spectacle
but doom-scrolling is a menace.
With each swipe and click, it’s quick
down the rabbit hole into darkness
where bizarre and illogical experiences
manifest into anxiety, ceremonious
as we leave this material world behind.

Prompt 28. Reality vs Doomscrolling, for Write Right @Thotpurge