
The Moon

Inspired by Sanaa at Prompt Nights, “A Million Years Howl When Voices Whisper Among The Trees”

Khaya Ronkainen
Khaya Ronkainen is a writer, poet and creative professional. Her blog focuses on all things poetry and creative nonfiction.


  1. My goodness! This is absolutely chilling, Khaya ? I can imagine the things that have the potential to haunt us amongst the living and shudder at the mere thought of it. Powerfully penned. Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights and for your constant love and support.❤️

    Lots of love,

  2. Perfect sentiment. Trained my kids not to be afraid of the unknown or the darkness…but those who would pretend to be their friend. XXX

  3. I saw this first whilst away on my phone and it sent chills down me then, even more so, catching up with it here on at home again. The picture matches perfectly and alas, the words too true.

  4. By the way… if you are in the US or Canada, I would like to invite you to joint the Greater Rocky Mountain Horror Writer’s APA….or at least consider it…You are a strong writer who knows how to flex that imagery!

  5. Thanks once again, KC. I appreciate your comment, and the invitation to GRMH. I’ve sent you an email about the possibility of joining. Looking forward to your thoughts!

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