A Way of Looking at Autumn’s First Breath

1. Once again, September graces us with its presence.

2. A month that offers a perfect blend of summer weather and autumn’s laid-back vibe.

3. With the arrival of autumn, nature invites us to embrace a slower pace and fully appreciate the exquisite transformation that unfolds before our eyes.

4. Autumn is like returning to a well-loved neighbourhood, I’m told.

5. I cannot confirm or deny. For I’m a vagabond about the world in pursuit of beauty, taking and keeping all things to savour before it’s too late.

6. Who knows what tomorrow will bring!

7. A city can vanish overnight in this era of steel birds in the sky. Their whirring hum fills the air as the silent watcher, like a predator, prepares to strike.

8. What I know for sure, the first breath of autumn always stirs something within, bringing a heightened sense of consciousness.

9. It’s time to indulge in a sensory experience, as the vividness of our surroundings intensifies to engage all senses.

10. A way of looking at the first breath of autumn is to pay attention

11. Like nature, we are always evolving and changing with seasons.

12. Both autumn and spring are transitional seasons, a profound similarity. There’s room to grow into yourself, regardless of the direction you face.

13. May the season nourish your body, expand your soul, free your spirit, and illuminate your mind!

PS. Happy Autumn (or Spring), Good People! 🙂 I hope the season started well. As for me, I haven’t settled into autumn yet. I’m travelling off the beaten path, exploring the Baltics and Central Europe, searching for beauty.

I’m hoping to share lessons I’m relearning as I travel along. But I’m also eager to hear what you’ve been you’ve been up to. Please do share!

Khaya Ronkainen
Khaya Ronkainen is a writer, poet and creative professional. Her blog focuses on all things poetry and creative nonfiction.


  1. It’s great to see you posting again. Fall is my favorite season even if I’m a bit biased since my birthday happens during that time of year. Haha! I hope everything is going well!

  2. Thanks Curtis, I appreciate your comment. Fall seems a favourite season for most… 🙂 May the season bring you immense joy and the most delightful birthday!

  3. No problem, Khaya! It’s such a wonderful season. Thanks for the early birthday wishes even if I have a while before my birthday happens.

  4. Happy almost Fall, Khaya! So glad you’ve checked in here. I’ve enjoyed seeing your travels on IG <3

  5. Thanks Kathy! I’m slowly getting back into the swing of blogging and have a ton of catching up to do on the blogs. 🙂 Super glad to hear you enjoy seeing my travel shots on Insta. <3

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