A Space to Write

“… there are hours in the life of every man when the music of silence is dearer to him than all.” ~ Charles Lanman

It’s been a busy but wonderful summer; celebrating small achievements and milestones.

I’m grateful for lessons learnt through the joyous but laborious effort of putting together and publishing my humble poetry chapbook.

I’m also glad I managed to read some of the books on my shelf this summer. Reading benefits are huge.

But now I return to writing.

Writing doesn’t only require a room of one’s own, but reflection. Reflection needs time. Words (my words) need silence.

A Lake in Lapland

So, from now on I’m down to one post per month. I’ll continue to read blogs and participate in conversations, whenever I can. But I’ll be absent from social media, except for few appearances on Facebook, where I use my time deliberately to connect with family and friends.

May your creative days be filled with musings of your heart!

Khaya Ronkainen
Khaya Ronkainen is a writer, poet and creative professional. Her blog focuses on all things poetry and creative nonfiction.


  1. I will certainly miss your words, but feel good knowing that you are just creating more… May you and your muse be productive. Read you around (or, when you come back).

  2. I’m not too far. I just need to concentrate on the final edit of my novel manuscript. But I’ll be reading blogs still, and more especially yours. 🙂

  3. Khaya wishing you all the best with your novel manuscript!! I can’t believe it will be September soon! The year has flown by! Big Hugs!

  4. Khaya, wishing you much joy and good fortune with your creativity as you take time and silence for the all-important reflection. Less by deliberation I’ve eased up with blogging since my return … the peace and stillness of the summer seemed to have shifted something within my soul – for now at least. Ps. I’ve loved reading your chapbook in the summer and will review on Amazon and Goodreads soon … I could relate to so much of it and it was the perfect location to read it! Gave me much food for thought and inner reflection. Happy Writing! 🤗

  5. Hi Annika! Good to have you back from a well-deserved break. I love to hear about peace and stillness, it makes for fertile ground where new stories sprout.:-)
    I’m so grateful to hear that you had time to read my chapbook, and that you could relate. It means so much to me. The location was perfect, indeed, to take in the landscape in a literal sense. Thank you so much for this feedback, it’s a much needed boost. Happy Writing to you too. <3

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