Autumnal Mood

There is a harmony in autumn, and a lustre in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!” ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley

There’s deep serene perched on clear blue skies of an autumn day. The kind of calm with an aura of authority, even the hurried and flustered lower the pace. Lake clasps the moment and welcomes the sun to shine. Peace and solitude occupy space, not only by the lakeside but in every breath taken and released.

Earthy and fresh, nature puts on a spectacular display. Red and gold leaves; a majestic fall. How can a warbler ask for a poem, when it already knows the song in my heart? How can it ask, for every autumn leaf falling is poetry!

A smile glows; a heart filled with gratitude for Autumn and I have a mutual understanding. Ours was an obscure relationship at first, for Summer led me believe I was her baby. Because down south, October is one of those simmering months; spring overlapping with summer.

But, October loved me before I was born. Now Autumn, generous, opens her arms and calls a name. It is to this silence and peace, I respond.

process note: As I celebrate another birthday, I take a closer look at how nature continues to inspire and help me put things into perspective. And I can’t help but be grateful.

Some Days

Some days you swallow a crocodile
Other days a crocodile swallows you

Each day nestles delight and pain
Eternal is not promised

But profound strength of human spirit
Reflects truth. Never give up!

The fight for own sanity can be ferocious
But I dare face the crocodile head on.

On Being

I’m so close, I may look distant. So completely mixed with you, I may look separate. So out in the open, I appear hidden. So silent, because I am constantly talking with you. ~ Rumi

note: Fresh poem coming out in September.