Wild Things

Oh, such fun!
A play with words

The creative genius
invents a language
but indifferent
is the machine
to elegance and form

Words won’t dance
even to the breathing
rhythm of people upstairs.

note: The poem was inspired by Odgen Nash’s poem, The People Upstairs.

I know I moan about poets, who don’t seem eager to embrace the digital format. But in earnest, who wants to play with code when you can spending all that time writing instead.

Perhaps, poetry was meant to be sung and recited. What do you think, dear poets? Is it better to go busking on the streets, instead of trying to contain poetry in digital formats?

So, to answer Rommy…when words won’t dance, I take to the woods.

Love Happens Everyday

Cynics are in disagreement
What is a box of chocolate
But life to give a toothache!

I don’t mean to offend as I
Gather a tercet to sing a song
But there’s a wonderful joy

Blushing face of February
Charms the naked branch
But love happens everyday

for Poets United

Skully Love/Boat Ride

note: This muted and outstanding illustration by MagicLoveCrow features in my upcoming chapbook, From the Depths of Darkness. Be on the lookout for the whole story… it’s publishing soon!

On Writing and Living…

It’s February; the month of love. I know it’s easy to get cynical about the whole Valentine’s Day commercial part. As I point out in the poem above, love happens everyday and can be expressed in most simplest of ways. So, I don’t think it’s a bad idea to set aside a day to celebrate love for and with your spouse or significant other in a way that feels natural to you both.

“Is there something you learned more about or some skill you picked up because of a significant other?” asks Rommy.

My list is endless, and includes an array of seasonal outdoor activities, among other things. But what stands out most is the introduction, by my husband, to works of J.R.R. Tolkien, George R.R. Martin and Neil Gaiman to name a few. Mind you, I am the writer in our family, he is a gamer!

So, I feel truly blessed to have my husband’s support to pursue my passion. This is what I mean by love happens everyday.

An Exceptional Gift

“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.” – Mary Oliver

tentacles that crawl
invade life, hold the fragile
hostage and crush, crush
darkness to a deafening
silence; an abode for calm

Darkness is… for Poets United

Moon in the Night Sky

On Writing and Living…

This week Rommy asks, “did you ever get a chance to hold something that you only imagined before?” By the way, she recently published a book of short stories. Check it out, and enjoy a moment in her fantasy world.

But to answer her question. I know that wonderful feeling with the publication of my first chapbook. It is surreal to finally hold in your hands a book you’ve poured heart and soul into.

And this dream is made possible by other kindred souls, who see your vision and help you accomplish it. I have many to thank.

But right now, I’d like to thank two special people (you know who you are). These kindred hearts brought a candle each to save a flickering flame that threatened a total blackout.

So, with their help, I’m happy to finally say my second chapbook, From the Depths of Darkness, is coming out soon. It’s been sweat and tears, literally, putting this one together.