Dance of the Dead

Nordic acceptance is long winter

All things living flee in old November
No claim to Autumn’s throne of loneliness
Whispers amongst the trees chill
Barren realm stands proud clothed in holiness
Unpaid dues peering remain still
A penultimate chapter for the dead to dance

  © 2019 Khaya Ronkainen

PS. It’s Father’s Day in Finland, today. It’s also a poignant reminder (for my family) of our last Father’s Day celebration with my father-in-law, two years ago. Though we still remember him with great sadness, we’re immensely grateful for the memories we created together. So, today whether you celebrate Father’s Day or not, I urge you to let people you love know that you do! You’ll be glad you did. ♥

In any case, the poem above though relevant was written under different circumstances. And it’s part of the collection, From the Depths of Darkness, if dark poetry is your thing.

PPS. The feature image, Sculpture Oak Soldiers, was taken from Katariina Seaside Park, Kotka.

Bring on the Dark!

1.Where I live, November is synonymous with darkness. The SAD state that can suck the joy out of everything.

2. But I adorn my iron armour, self-care, the second strongest type of protection.

3. Dark, however, has its benefits; both literally and figuratively.

4. That’s why I expend little energy searching for beauty during this time. Instead, I let the dark touch me.

5. As the saying goes…

The depths of darkness from which you can descend and still live is an exact measure of the height to which you can aspire to reach.” ~ Pliny the Elder

6. November is also a month where my old working titles start to sound profound. Only to realise later that they are just a translation from one language to another. For example, “BeAm of Light” means Litha in Xhosa.

7. Talking about a beam of light! This baby crow, Litha, created by a beautiful soul at MagicLoveCrow, years ago, continues to brighten my autumn days. I cherish this painting.

Baby Crow by MagicLoveCrow

8. Well, you see, even in the dark one is never truly alone.

9. As they say (mythology), where there’s a crow, there’s magic. Because crows can summon the right people to cross your path. And boy, did those right people cross my path this past month! Best October gifts…

10. On the note, allow me to share want I recently learned from the collection pictured below:

The sound level of normal breathing is said to be 10 decibels. A sound so quiet you don’t hear it unless all else is silent and you are close to the source.”

Mind-blowing stuff! Really, this is a book to invest in.

11. So, this month, I invite you to make space for silence. Allow it to bring you back to yourself!

12. Because who needs a flashlight, when you have a glow inside to light up your world?

13. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m being both flippant and serious regarding embracing the dark. If you’re moving towards winter where you live, please take care of yourself. ♥

Happy November, Everyone! I’m back. Thank you Rajani at Thought Purge and Colleen at Thursday Thirteen for inspiring this list-making joy exercise.

What have you been up to? Please do tell! 🙂

Appreciating the Beauty of Silence

There’s utter silence—
Nature stands in awe
behind its poem
and welcomes
the moon.

- Khaya Ronkainen

Hey, Good People! I’m taking a full blogging break to celebrate October, my birth month. If you’ve been reading me for a while now, you know already that silence returns me to myself. This means I won’t be publishing any new content here nor responding to comments, and not reading even my favourite blogs.

See you in November. Enjoy the season, and don’t forget to keep searching for beauty in your everyday life. It’s never been more important than now! Thank you in advance for reading. ♥

PS. Feature image, The Moon and Me, courtesy of my dear darling husband!