On Pouring My Heart Out

  1. Most times I shroud my poems in mystery or hide behind the metaphor, and leave the “about” of the poem for the reader to interpret as they wish. Not this time, though. I’ve put all my cards on the table. A rather bold move, I’ll admit.
  2. Intense.
  3. Writing this book has felt like putting my heart on the platter to be severed.
  4. Whoever said “do what scares you” was absolutely bonkers! For, now, I have stepped on people’s toes…
  5. Frankly, I’m tired of fighting silent battles.
  6. People often ask if I plan to write a memoir some day. The answer is this: I doubt that I’ll ever write a straightforward and book-length prose memoir. Poetry is an art form that allows me to go where it hurts.
  7. ‘The Sheltering’ is close as it gets in capturing my inner and outer world, right now.
  8. This book is not a happy pill. I suck at writing inspirational poetry, so I don’t even try. But then again, poetry is not about making people feel better but to name the nameless.
  9. Grief.
  10. Grief changes face every day. One day, an ode celebrating the miracle that is life. The next, an elegy lamenting the loss.
  11. We all are grieving something… or tell me now, if you are not! There’s a dare.
  12. But careful, my heart is still in your hands.
  13. THANK YOU to each and everyone of you, who read this blog and support my humble writings, for not letting me write I alone. ♥

PS. Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash

Khaya Ronkainen
Khaya Ronkainen is a writer, poet and creative professional. Her blog focuses on all things poetry and creative nonfiction.


  1. Poetry – “to name the nameless.” And I’ll add, to feel beyond the words. Your newest collection is precious – I am savoring them slowly (just how I always enjoy poetry).
    Thank you for entrusting your (he)art into my humble hands…

  2. Khaya, I love the honesty in this poem. I resonate with “we are all grieving something.” How can we not be in today’s world? An awesome write, and very fine to read.

  3. p.s. Your book looks wonderful. I ordered a copy. Well done.

  4. Thank you Sherry and it’s lovely to see you here! I’m so glad you resonate… About the honesty of it, I figured I’m already “naked” so I have nothing to lose as it were. 🙂

  5. 11. We are all grieving something.

    so true Khaya and it shows up in so many different ways.

    Poetry is the most beautiful way to ground and fly at the same time.

    Congratulations on your new book.

    The world needs more you 🌎 🖊 ❤️

  6. 10 is very relatable. I go from enchanted to heartbroken sometimes several times in one day.

  7. YES, Khaya! What you’ve said here is exactly how this book feels so far. I’m reading Tricia Hersey’s Rest is Resistance, and she also mentions something about the importance of processing grief (and basically how we don’t in this society).

    I look forward to reading more of your heart spilt on these pages <3

  8. It’s affirming to know I’m not the only one who thinks we don’t give ourselves enough time to process grief. I’m definitely checking out Hersey’s book. I appreciate you reading my heart on those pages, Kathy. Thank you. <3

  9. Ah! I see Rest Is Resistance is a different kind of call to action but a valid one. The “Grind Culture” is real, sadly. Can’t wait to read the entire book.

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